16 Haziran 2013 Pazar

10 Easy Steps to Fascism, a la Turkey

Naomi Wolf wrote the road to fascism in 10 easy steps. Let's see how they apply to Turkey. 


1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
First it was called Ergenekon, an alleged clandestine organization plotting to overthrow the government. Today, it's the global interest rate lobby that want to create chaos in Turkey.

2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
Silivri Prison is a compound where Ergenekon suspects are held. For years, many journalists were kept in solitary confinement. 

3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
The Turkish police force with their water cannons, gas bombs--even attacking children. 

4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
A proposed law will enable Turkey's Intelligence Agency to collect data on citizens' everyday activities, including where they fly and what they buy. Already, many journalists are illegally wiretapped by the police. 

5. Harass citizens' groups.
No NGO has any say in public policy.

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
Even doctors are arrested for treating Gezi activists. Police raided and gassed a hotel which was an ad-hod infirmary treating the injured. 

7. Target key individuals.
Lists of people's names, mostly journalists and celebrities , are circulating among government supporters are provocateurs of the Gezi uprising. The governor hints a possible probe against Twitter users. Already a group of people for detained in the city of İzmir because of their Twitter activities. 

8. Control the press.
Turkish networks broadcast penguin documentaries while protests take place. 

9. Treat all political dissidents to be traitors.
Traitor is the easiest libel in Turkey: involves anyone against the Erdogan government. 

10. Suspend the rule of law.
The independence of the judiciary was abolished by the 2010 referendum, when the executive took total control of the judiciary appointments.

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